Thursday, September 25, 2008

the population cycle ^^

this is a video explaining the population cycle which i obtained from youtube.

Possibly stage 5?? oh dear

Ok, now the original demographic model has only 4 stages, but recent theorists insist a 5th stage should be added to describe the countrys which have made the transition from manufacturing based industries to service and information.
In stage 5 the birth rate is below the death rate and the population is not making enough babies to replace their parents generation.
The uk was the first to be counted as a stage 5.Its joined by germany, italy, spain, portugal, greece and most notably japan.
Japans population in particualer is reproducing well below the levels they need to replace their parents generation
It is the ultimate modernisation of society. Material comforts are of major importance.
People come second.
Kinda sad right??
Well thats it dears. Now its not to be said that the demographic transition model can predict the future. But its felt that it can be a good outline of it.

Whats that??... stage 4! omg!!

This will be a short one, in the 4th stage the birth and death rates are quite even.
Family planning is widespread
The total ppopulation is growing very little. There are only small fluctuations in which sometimes the death rate rises above the birth rate which can lead to a possible stage 5.

Stage 3!


Seriously if you didnt see that coming you really failed maths.

Here is where the population kinda trys to sort itself out.

You see when parents realised that if they have children, because of the increase in health, the children will probably survive. They decided that they dont need to have as many to ensure they have someone to care for them in old age and take care of the family business.

Also education in family planning education becomes more well spread.

Also while parents may have educated their children themselves previously, laws making sure that parents send their children their kids to school get passed. This means that the costs of raising a child rose substantially. In some cases parents even had to buy uniforms for schools.

oh the horror!!

Women were given more educational rights, and it became less of the "womens place" to just stay at home and have children

So the death rate and birth rate kinda even out. while the total population is steadlily and healthily growing.

Tt this time the country has become fully industrialised.

well thats stage 3 for you dears!

Stage 2


Ok boys and girls, its time for guess what.. stage 2!

This is the major changes stage. In this stage the death rate drops monumentally due to drastic improvements in food supply methods, in public health, and a improved education.

Ok time to explain.

When i say improvement in food supply i mean that agricultual education has drastically improven, meab=ning farmers know jow to tend crops in a proper way and how to produce more and healthier crops, also being able to transport the new crops to people was made possible. This therefore decreases the rates of starvation.

Public health increased amazingly by the introduction of the vaccination, new water supply systems, sewage systems, education in food handleing and general hygiene! This decreased rates of mortality, especially in children who were more suceptible to disease.

Education was bettered by people teaching mothers and fathers basic education which they then taught to their children, so basically alot of people were just a whole lot more clued in on the world.

People started to get more industrialised and turn away from agriculture.

The only problem with this decrease of mortality and no decrease in birth rate was it cause a kind of


this image is a population pyramid for a stage 2 country which i got from google images.

Deep breaths, take stage one at a time.


Ok stage one in our population cycle. This stage contains the preindustrial period. Health services basically suck and natual events like death and disease are very high. Family planning is nearly non existant, parents are having children so they can use them to help around the household by carrying water, firewood, and messages, caring for younger siblings, sweeping, washing dishes, preparing food, and doing some work in the fields.

Also they use them as a way of kinda ensuring that they will be cared for when they are older, a kind of pension plan if you will.

Raising a child costs little less than feeding them, there are no entertainment expenses and very little clothing expenses.

When the child became older it can help around the family business which at this point in the population cycle is usually agricultual.

While the death rates were so high it was imperitive that the birth rate remained high or the country could have reached a critical population low.

tune in next time for stage 2 ^^

this is the population pyramid for a stage 1 country. i got it from google images

The theory

ello dears
This blog is gonna tell you all about the population cycle.

The population cycle or 'demographic transition model' contains 5 stages.
These stages are defined by the fall and rise of birth and death rates due to improvements and changes in health services and economics.

the stages are
stage 1: high fluctuating stage
stage 2: early expanding stage
stage 3: late expanding stage
stage 4: low fluctuating stage
stage 5: senile stage (which is kinda theoretical) but i'll explain that later =P