Thursday, September 25, 2008

Deep breaths, take stage one at a time.


Ok stage one in our population cycle. This stage contains the preindustrial period. Health services basically suck and natual events like death and disease are very high. Family planning is nearly non existant, parents are having children so they can use them to help around the household by carrying water, firewood, and messages, caring for younger siblings, sweeping, washing dishes, preparing food, and doing some work in the fields.

Also they use them as a way of kinda ensuring that they will be cared for when they are older, a kind of pension plan if you will.

Raising a child costs little less than feeding them, there are no entertainment expenses and very little clothing expenses.

When the child became older it can help around the family business which at this point in the population cycle is usually agricultual.

While the death rates were so high it was imperitive that the birth rate remained high or the country could have reached a critical population low.

tune in next time for stage 2 ^^

this is the population pyramid for a stage 1 country. i got it from google images

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