Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stage 3!


Seriously if you didnt see that coming you really failed maths.

Here is where the population kinda trys to sort itself out.

You see when parents realised that if they have children, because of the increase in health, the children will probably survive. They decided that they dont need to have as many to ensure they have someone to care for them in old age and take care of the family business.

Also education in family planning education becomes more well spread.

Also while parents may have educated their children themselves previously, laws making sure that parents send their children their kids to school get passed. This means that the costs of raising a child rose substantially. In some cases parents even had to buy uniforms for schools.

oh the horror!!

Women were given more educational rights, and it became less of the "womens place" to just stay at home and have children

So the death rate and birth rate kinda even out. while the total population is steadlily and healthily growing.

Tt this time the country has become fully industrialised.

well thats stage 3 for you dears!

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